Frequently Asked Questions
What you need to know about renting at the JourneySpace
Q: Where do I start renting at the JourneySpace?
A: Navigate to the space you are interested in renting by clicking “Renting” in the navigation bar of footer of any page. From there, you can choose to rent any of our three spaces: The main studio on the first floor (“the Journey Space”), one of our private treatment floors on the ground floor (“Heartwaves Treatment Rooms”), or the apartment on the second floor rented through airbnb (“the Hidden Gem”). You can also rent out the entire building if you wish.
If this is your first time renting with us, check out our step by step guide to renting!
Q: How do I book my appointment?
A: Once you have navigated to the space you wish to rent, click “book” to view a calendar of available dates and times. Click on a date to select it and view available times for that date. After you select a time, either click “select and continue” to add your information or click “select and add another time” to pick another individual time slot or “select and make recurring” to repeat this booking at regular intervals.
Q: I only see a start time, how do I change the length of my reservation?
A: When renting a space by the hour, click “book,” then select your desired date and start time. The default (and minimum) rental time is one hour. To increase the duration (up to four hours), use the checkboxes under “Add to your appointment…” to add additional time. These blocks stack, so to create a two and a half hour reservation, you need to check “add 30 minutes to reservation” and “add 60 minutes to reservation.” This will add an hour and a half on top of the initial hour, for a total of 2.5 hours. For appointments over four hours, half day or full day reservations should be booked. Half day and full day rentals are a pre set duration, like “8am to 2pm.”
Q: How much time should I book for setup/takedown?
A: It is your responsability to ensure you have ample time to set up and clean up before/after your class. We recommend 15 minutes to allow for people to trickle in before class and linger after class. So, a 60-minute yoga class from 4pm to 5pm should book 3:45pm to 5:15pm to ensure they have enough time. There is an extra 15-minute buffer automatically added between every booking to ensure that your cleanup time does not overlap with someone else’s setup time (in case you are running behind or someone arrives early.)
Q: Should I click “Add a Time…” or “Recurring…” if I want to book multiple time slots at once?
A: If you want to rent the same space at a different time, like 2pm on Monday and 4pm on Thursday, use “Add a Time…” This is ideal for booking the same space at different times.
If you want to rent the same space at a regular interval, like everyone Wednesday at 6am, use “Recurring…” This option will let you repeat the exact same reservation with regularity, like the first Saturday of the month, the next 8 Mondays, the 15th of every month, etc…
Please note, both of these options will only let you book the same space for the same duration. If you need to book different appointments of varying lengths (eg. 6am - 8am on Monday, but 6am - 9am on Tuesday) you will have to create a second separate reservation for Tuesday after booking the first appointment for Monday.
Q: I’m still confused and my question wasn’t answered here. What do I do?
A: We’re sorry to hear that! Please, use the “Open Help Form” button to send us an inquiry for help and someone will get back to you as soon as we can. Usually, that will be within 24 hours. We thank you in advance for your understanding if we take longer, we are a small group of individuals doing our best to serve the community!